Baby Blend Kit - 6 Blends
Baby Blend Kit - 6 Blends
Baby Teeth
Rolled on the jawline
Siberian Fir (gentle analgesic)
Copaiba (gently but powerfully reduces inflammation and pain)
Sleepy Baby
Roll and massage into bottoms of feet
Serenity (helps baby gently calm themselves and sleep well)
Calm Baby
Roll and massage into bottoms of feet and behind baby ears
Balance (brings feelings of calming, grounding, peace, and relaxation)
Lavender (very gentle to baby while offering pain-reducing, anti-inflammatory, and sedative properties)
Breathe Baby
Roll along bottoms of feet, chest and upper back.
Cardamom (primarily used for cough, inflammation, muscle aches, and respiratory ailments)
lime (gentle antibacterial and antiviral support)
Substitute… Eucalyptus (provides analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and expectorant effects… Eucalyptus oil in this blend, is very diluted).
Baby Belly
Roll along tummy and massage in a clockwise motion
Tangerine (gentle digestive system support… flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal spasm)
Ginger (used for ages to aid in digestive disorders… loss of appetite, indigestion, motion sickness)
Healthy Baby
Roll along spine and bottoms of feet
Arborvitae (very gentle, effective immune system stimulant)
Melaleuca (known or it's antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infections, antiviral, digestive, and immune stimulation properties)